Requirements Q1
(become aware, respond, interact intermittently)
(engage with, imitate modelled behaviour, direct attention, focus, recognise)
Actively Participate
(interact, share, actively participate, collaborate, anticipate, recall)
(begin to develop an understanding)
From To Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Talking and Listening
Pupils should be enabled to:
In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: Pupils can: Pupils can: In familiar situations, when listening to and responding to a range of stimuli, pupils can: In familiar situations, when listening to and responding to a range of stimuli, pupils can: In a range of situations and for a variety of audiences and purposes, pupils can: In a range of contexts, with different audiences and taking account of a variety of purposes, pupils can: In a range of formal and informal contexts, with different audiences and for a variety of purposes, pupils can: In a range of formal and informal contexts, with different audiences and for a variety of purposes, pupils can: In a wide range of formal and informal contexts, including unfamiliar audiences, and for a variety of purposes, pupils can:
Pupils should be enabled to:
In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: Pupils can: Pupils can: Pupils can: Engaging with a range of short, simple texts*, both reading aloud and silently, pupils can: Engaging with a range of longer texts* for a variety of purposes, both reading aloud and silently, pupils can: Engaging with a range of texts* of varying lengths for a variety of purposes, pupils can: Engaging with a range of texts* of varying lengths for a variety of purposes, including texts* written for a wider audience, pupils can: Engaging with a range of complex texts*, including those written for a wider audience, pupils can: Across a range of complex sources, including those produced for a wider audience, pupils can:
Pupils should be enabled to:
In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: Pupils can: Pupils can: Pupils can: In a limited and specified range of forms, pupils can: In a range of specified forms and for specified audiences and purposes, pupils can: In a range of forms, for different audiences and purposes, pupils can: In a range of forms, for different audiences and purposes, including in formal situations, pupils can: In a range of forms, for different audiences and purposes, including in formal and unfamiliar situations, pupils can: In a range of forms, for different purposes and in different contexts, including for real audiences and in formal and unfamiliar situations, pupils can:

talk about, plan and edit work

experience writing activities;
respond intermittently to writing activities;
engage in modelled writing activities;
participate in modelled writing activities;
begin to make contributions to shared writing activities;
understand that writing is a means of communication;
understand that writing/printed text is recorded speech;
talk about what they are going to write;
talk about what they are going to write and how they will present their writing;
talk about and plan their writing;
plan and make use of planning;

talk about, plan and edit work

make changes in relation to agreed criteria;
make improvements to their writing;
check writing to make improvements in accuracy and meaning;
redraft to improve accuracy and meaning;
redraft writing for effect;
make discriminating choices about language in order to create impact;

communicate information, meaning, feelings, imaginings and ideas in a clear and organised way

experience writing activities;
intermittently respond to information through feelings;
engage in activities to communicate information and feelings;
begin to communicate information, meaning and feelings;
begin to understand and express information, meaning, feelings and ideas;
distinguish between drawing and writing;
see themselves as writers in a range of activities;
express thoughts, feelings and ideas, from within their experience, using symbols, pictures, words, phrases and simple sentences;
express thoughts, feelings and ideas, from within their experience, using a general vocabulary;
express thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions;
express thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions, giving reasons when appropriate;
use precise vocabulary to convey thoughts, ideas, relevant information and to justify opinions;
make use of information and evidence to support ideas and opinions;
make effective use of information and evidence to support their ideas, analyses and conclusions;

communicate information, meaning, feelings, imaginings and ideas in a clear and organised way

provide supporting detail using an expanding vocabulary;
express meaning clearly, using an appropriate vocabulary and level of detail;
communicate ideas, information and opinions in a sustained and developed way;
communicate complex ideas and opinions in a sustained and developed way;

communicate information, meaning, feelings, imaginings and ideas in a clear and organised way

show a sense of structure and organisation;
structure and sequence their writing;
structure writing, including using paragraphs;
structure writing logically and coherently;

develop, express and present ideas in a variety of forms and formats, using traditional and digital resources, for different audiences and purposes

experience various forms of recordings;
begin to show awareness to various forms of recordings;
engage with and begin to use various forms of recordings;
participate in using an increasing range of traditional and digital tools for different purposes;
use a range of traditional and/or digital tools to develop, express and present their ideas for different purposes and audiences;
write using a given form;
use the form appropriately;
choose from and use a range of forms, as appropriate;
match writing to purpose and audience;
use appropriate style and tone;
match style, tone and presentation to create an impact;

develop, express and present ideas in a variety of forms and formats, using traditional and digital resources, for different audiences and purposes

present information effectively, using a formal style where appropriate;
organise and present writing for deliberate effect;

write with increasing accuracy and proficiency

experience writing activities;
respond intermittently to mark making in mixed media;
engage in mark making, using writing tools and mixed media;
actively participate in mark making, using writing tools and mixed media;
begin to write letter-like shapes with increasing accuracy and proficiency;
show an awareness of directionality of print;
understand that writing is formed directionally, one word at a time;
write words using sound-symbol correspondence;
spell and write common and familiar words recognisably;
spell and write frequently used and topic words correctly;
use accurate grammar and spelling on most occasions.
use accurate grammar and spelling.

write with increasing accuracy and proficiency

experiment with writing;
explore how to write words;
write personal and familiar words;
use basic punctuation;
use basic punctuation and grammar accurately;
use a range of punctuation accurately;
use a range of punctuation consistently and accurately;
use punctuation for effect.
use punctuation for effect.

write with increasing accuracy and proficiency

hold pencils and other implements in an appropriate way.
use a comfortable, efficient pencil grip and begin to form some letters correctly.
form lower and upper-case letters.
produce legible handwriting.
produce handwriting which is accurately formed and consistent in size.

write with increasing accuracy and proficiency

start sentences in different ways;
vary word order and use linking words within sentences;
create sentence structures which help to convey meaning;
create sentence structures which convey meaning clearly;
create complex sentences for impact;

read a range of texts for information, ideas and enjoyment

experience a range of texts/images for information, ideas and enjoyment;
respond intermittently to a range of texts/images for information, ideas and enjoyment;
purposefully engage for longer periods of time with a range of texts/images for information, ideas and enjoyment;
actively participate in an activity with a range of texts/images for information, ideas and enjoyment;
show understanding that meaning can be taken from pictures, images and texts;
know that print carries messages;
understand that print has meaning and that meaning does not change;
show understanding of the meaning carried by print, pictures and images;
understand, recount and sequence events and information;
paraphrase with general accuracy;
show understanding by identifying and summarising information, ideas and details;
identify how main points, details or ideas are organised and developed;

read a range of texts for information, ideas and enjoyment

recognise, understand and sequence main points;
show understanding by identifying and summarising information;

use a range of strategies to read with increasing independence

experience a sensory story through objects of reference;
begin to respond to photos or pictures as representations of objects;
engage with photos or pictures as representations of objects;
anticipate familiar images/words and understand that they communicate meaning;
begin to develop an understanding of a range of reading strategies;
watch and copy a steady beat of increasingly complex movement;
develop a sense of steady beat;
use reading strategies;
use a range of reading strategies;
choose and use reading strategies independently;
read independently;

use a range of strategies to read with increasing independence

show some awareness of words, syllables and rhymes;
show awareness that words are made up of sounds and syllables;
understand that words are made up of sounds and syllables and that sounds are represented by letters;

use a range of strategies to read with increasing independence

engage with a range of texts;
use prior knowledge and pictures to make sense of text;

find, select and use information from a range of sources

experience information from a range of sources;L
respond to information from a range of sources;
engage with information from a range of sources;
begin to find and select information from a range of sources;
find, select and begin to use information from a range of sources;
react/respond to environmental print;
understand the purpose of environmental print;
use visual clues to locate information;
use basic alphabetical knowledge and visual clues to locate information;
use organisational features, including alphabetical order, to locate and obtain information;
locate relevant information and use it appropriately;

find, select and use information from a range of sources

read and understand familiar words, signs and symbols in the environment;
select information for a purpose;
select and manage information from a range of sources;
read critically to compare information from a range of sources;
synthesise information from a range of sources;

find, select and use information from a range of sources

evaluate and adapt information;
discriminate between different sources, recognising the relevance, reliability and accuracy of the information;

understand and explore ideas, events and features in texts

experience language associated with texts/images;
respond intermittently to the features of a range of texts/images;
engage for longer periods of time with features of a range of texts/images;
begin to understand ideas, events and features in texts and images;
understand and explore ideas, events and features in a variety of texts, print, pictures and images;
recognise different types of text and use simple terminology, for example book right way up or upside down;
recognise different types of text and use some language associated with texts;
use language associated with texts*;
recognise some forms and features of texts*;
understand that there are different forms and features of texts*;
recognise main features and understand how these are linked to form and purpose;
describe language, structure and presentation;
explain the effects of language, structure and presentation;
explain in detail the effects of language, structure and presentation;

understand and explore ideas, events and features in texts

make deductions using information from the text*;
understand explicit meanings and recognise some implicit meanings;
understand some implicit meanings and attitudes;
identify authors’ intentions;

understand and explore ideas, events and features in texts

differentiate between fact and opinion;
detect points of view, lines of reasoning and bias;

use evidence from texts to explain opinions

experience a range of objects, sensory stimuli and pictures;
respond to a range of objects, sensory stimuli and pictures intermittently indicating preferred and non-preferred items/experiences;
engage with a range of texts and images to make choices;
participate in simple decision making to indicate opinions with a range of texts and images;
begin to respond to questions about familiar and unfamiliar texts in order to express opinions;
demonstrate their developing vocabulary through talk and play.
talk about what has been read and answer simple questions.
talk about what they read and answer questions.
ask questions to seek clarification that develops understanding;
ask and respond to questions to extend understanding;

use evidence from texts to explain opinions

express opinions and make predictions.
express opinions and give reasons.
explain opinions about what they read.
make reference to text* to support opinions and draw conclusions.
use appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify their ideas and opinions.
expand on opinions, informed by well-selected evidence.

listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations

experience interaction with an adult/peer;
show intermittent interest in an adult/peer or small group;
recognise familiar events, sounds, actions or words;
participate in familiar rhymes, songs, stories and requests;
contribute to conversations and follow clear, simple instructions;
listen to a range of stimuli;
listen attentively to a range of stimuli;
listen for information;
listen to and carry out a sequence of instructions;
listen for specific information;
listen attentively;
listen to and identify relevant information and ideas;
listen to complex information and identify implicit meanings;
discuss how complex information and ideas are communicated;

listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations

develop talk by using role-playing stories;
talk and express their ideas through role-play;
follow short, straightforward instructions;

listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations

participate in a range of talking and listening activities;
participate in a widening range of talking and listening activities;
understand short explanations and simple discussions;
identify the main points of conversations and explanations;

listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations

listen to and carry out simple instructions;
listen to and carry out basic instructions;
take on the role of someone else;
take part in role-play, interacting with others;
maintain a role;
develop a role;
make relevant contributions in different roles;
move discussion forward in different roles;
make distinctive contributions in different roles;

contribute comments, ask questions and respond to others' points of view

experience a range of sensory stimulation;
respond intermittently to familiar activities;
engage with options and choices;
actively participate in answering simple questions;
ask and answer simple relevant questions accurately;
ask and answer simple questions;
ask and answer questions;
ask and answer questions for specific information;
ask and answer questions to develop understanding;
ask and respond to questions to extend understanding;
ask questions about others’ points of view and respond appropriately;
ask questions to explore and develop ideas;
ask questions to challenge others’ ideas, showing sensitivity;

contribute comments, ask questions and respond to others' points of view

follow discussions, make contributions and observe conventions of conversation;
follow the main points of discussions and make contributions which show understanding;
make relevant contributions to discussions;
discuss their own and others’ ideas;
show understanding of others’ ideas by making valid contributions;
engage persuasively in decision-making using agreement and challenge;

communicate information, ideas, opinions, feelings and imaginings, using an expanding vocabulary

encounter and experience a range of stimuli;
intermittently communicate a range of responses;
communicate an awareness of basic emotions and opinions;
communicate emotions and opinions using simple language/signs/symbols;
use communication to describe thoughts and feelings to meet pupils’ needs;
talk about experiences;
talk about events and experiences;
use vocabulary from within their experience to describe thoughts and feelings;
use a general vocabulary to express thoughts, imaginings and opinions;
use an expanding vocabulary;
use an appropriate vocabulary;
communicate detailed information clearly, using precise vocabulary;
explain information and ideas clearly, using appropriate ways to support main points;

communicate information, ideas, opinions, feelings and imaginings, using an expanding vocabulary

explain their views/thinking;
explain information, ideas and opinions clearly;
justify ideas and opinions;
express and justify complex ideas and opinions;
support their opinions and arguments with appropriate evidence from a range of sources;

structure talk so that ideas can be understood by others

encounter and experience a variety of communication interactions;
intermittently communicate needs and understanding;
begin to engage in purposeful communication;
participate in simple conversations;
develop an understanding of the structure of a conversation;
talk about experiences;
talk about events and experiences;
talk about their experiences;
talk about events in sequence with supporting detail;
sequence events and plan what to say;
plan an approach to talking;
structure their talk logically and coherently;
organise the structure and content of talking to be concise;
convey complex information by explaining it to others in an original way;

speak clearly and adapt ways of speaking to audience and situation

encounter and experience a variety of communicators and situations;
intermittently use vocalisation and/or body movements to signify awareness of audience;
consistently use vocalisation and/or body movements to signify awareness of audience;
communicate clearly to a familiar audience;
communicate clearly to an expanding audience;
show awareness of social conventions.
demonstrate some social conventions.
speak audibly to be heard and understood;
speak clearly to be heard and understood;
vary their voice and intonation;
use language techniques and register to engage the listener;
use language techniques and register to maintain the interest of the listener;
use language techniques and register to achieve effects;
exploit language techniques and register to present complex information and ideas effectively;

use non-verbal methods to express ideas and engage with the listener

encounter and experience a variety of communicators and situations;
intermittently use non-verbal methods to engage with the listener;
use a non-verbal method while engaging in conversation;
use a range of non-verbal methods to communicate and engage the listener;
use a range of non-verbal methods to express ideas;
show awareness of social conventions.
demonstrate some social conventions.
make eye contact and take turns whilst engaging in conversation.
use body language to show engagement.
understand that body language may influence the listener.
use non-verbal methods to engage the listener.
use non-verbal methods to maintain the interest of the listener.
use non-verbal methods to achieve effects.
use non-verbal methods to achieve effects.