Requirements Q1
(become aware, respond, interact intermittently)
(engage with, imitate modelled behaviour, direct attention, focus, recognise)
Actively Participate
(interact, share, actively participate, collaborate, anticipate, recall)
(begin to develop an understanding)
From To Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Using Mathematics
Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, pupils should be enabled to:
In structured activities, in familiar situations and contexts, pupils: Pupils can: Pupils can: In structured activities, in familiar and accessible contexts, pupils can: In structured activities, in familiar and accessible contexts, pupils can: In structured activities, in familiar and accessible contexts, pupils can: In activities with some structure, in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts and situations, pupils can: In activities with some structure, in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts and situations, pupils can: Through discussion, solving routine and non-routine problems with increasing independence in a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations, pupils can: Through discussion, solving routine and non-routine problems with increasing independence in a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations, pupils can:

choose the appropriate materials, equipment and mathematics to use in a particular situation

encounter a variety of mathematical materials and equipment;
interact with materials and equipment;
engage with mathematical materials in response to teacher guidance/modelling;
recognise that a choice has to be made when selecting materials and equipment for a simple activity;
make choices in selecting specific materials and equipment for a simple activity;
explore materials and equipment;
explore and talk about materials and equipment;
talk about and use the materials and equipment provided to carry out an activity;
talk about how to approach an activity;
suggest different ways an activity might be approached;
decide how an activity might be approached and compare their approaches with others;
plan and decide how an activity might be approached;
plan for an activity by identifying and sequencing component steps;
plan an activity, explaining their reasons for their chosen structure and approach;

choose the appropriate materials, equipment and mathematics to use in a particular situation

select and use the materials, equipment and mathematics required;
select and use the appropriate materials, equipment and mathematics required;
identify and use appropriately the materials, equipment and mathematics required;
identify and use efficiently the materials, equipment, mathematics and strategies required;
consider and identify a range of materials/equipment, mathematical techniques and problem-solving strategies required to meet the purpose of activities;
consider and identify, with some justification, the materials/equipment, mathematical techniques and problem-solving strategies required;

use mathematical knowledge and concepts accurately

work systematically and check their work

experience mathematical activities;
respond to mathematical activities;
recognise mathematical activities in response to cues and prompts;
participate in mathematical activities;
show some understanding of mathematical notation, such as numerals/words/sets;
become aware of mathematical notation;
begin to use some mathematical notation;
use some mathematical notation;
use appropriate mathematical notation;
use a range of appropriate mathematical notation;
use a range of appropriate mathematical techniques and notation;
use a range of appropriate mathematical techniques and notation;
use a range of appropriate mathematical techniques and notation;
use a range of appropriate mathematical techniques and notation;

use mathematical knowledge and concepts accurately

work systematically and check their work

experience daily routines;
become aware of daily routines;
engage with daily routines in response to teacher modelling;
participate in daily routines;
anticipate and follow through daily routines;
appreciate the need to be organised;
follow instructions to organise themselves;
show some organisation in their practical work;
organise their practical work and check what they have done;
organise their work and know how to check its accuracy;
organise their own work and work systematically;
plan and work systematically and efficiently;
work systematically and efficiently to a given degree of accuracy;
critically review to what extent they succeeded in carrying out activities, checking if the level of accuracy and their findings are appropriate and making an assessment of any limitations;

use mathematical knowledge and concepts accurately

work systematically and check their work

review their work and check for accuracy;
review their work, considering if their findings are reasonable and making changes where appropriate;
review their work, using appropriate checking procedures and evaluating their effectiveness at each stage;

use mathematics to solve problems and make decisions

develop methods and strategies, including mental mathematics

experience a problem;
become aware of the existence of a problem;
engage with and imitate ways of asking for help;
demonstrate a basic understanding that problem solving requires a strategy, such as asking for help;
attempt a range of problem-solving strategies, such as seeking help;
become aware of simple everyday problems;
recognise and begin to solve simple everyday problems;
talk about ways to solve simple everyday problems;
use mental strategies to carry out calculations when solving problems/carrying out activities;
use mathematics to solve simple two-stage problems;
use a range of problem-solving strategies;
use a range of problem-solving strategies, suggesting and trying out different approaches when difficulties arise;
adapt their approach as needed;
consider alternative approaches and adapt them as required;

use mathematics to solve problems and make decisions

develop methods and strategies, including mental mathematics

encounter simple logical strategies;
respond and interact with simple logical strategies;
recall simple logical strategies in response to teacher modelling;
participate in simple supported logical strategies;
become familiar with an increasing range of basic logical strategies;
enjoy listening to rhymes/stories/songs with an element of counting;
join in counting activities;
use counting strategies when carrying out activities;
use a range of mental calculation strategies;
use a range of efficient mental calculation strategies;

explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively

experience a variety of simple patterns;
become aware of and respond to a variety of simple patterns;
imitate simple and familiar patterns in response to teacher modelling;
participate in copying simple patterns;
recognise and continue simple patterns;
explore and describe the variety of designs/textures within their environment;
explore simple design/pattern in the environment/mathematics;
look for and talk about patterns;
recognise patterns and relationships and make predictions;
identify and explain patterns and relationships and make predictions;
investigate patterns and relationships, using their findings to make predictions;
make and test predictions;
make and test predictions, make general statements and draw conclusions;
make and test predictions and justify their generalisations;

explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively

investigate general statements to see if they are true;
make general statements based on findings and test using new examples;

explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively

summarise their findings;

identify and collect information

read, interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats

encounter collections of objects;
interact with a range of objects;
respond to and engage with objects being collected;
actively participate in the collection of objects/information;
communicate basic information and assist in its organisation;
react/respond to the information around them;
collect information in everyday contexts;
talk about and collect information required;
discuss the information required and how it can be collected;
identify, collect and record the information required;
find, organise and interpret relevant information;
identify, obtain, process and interpret information appropriate and sufficient for the activity;
obtain, process and interpret information from a range of sources;
consider, identify, obtain and analyse data/information from more than one source;

identify and collect information

read, interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats

encounter a variety of objects/pictures/symbols;
interact with matching and collecting of objects/pictures/symbols;
engage with and imitate a simple sequence of objects/pictures/symbols that includes an element of choice;
represent familiar events/situations/experiences with appropriate symbols/objects/ pictures;
represent a wider range of familiar/unfamiliar events/situations/experiences with appropriate symbols/objects/pictures;
make representations during play;
know that pictures/symbols can represent real objects and events;
represent their work using pictures and objects;
present the information appropriately and talk about their findings;
present their findings clearly using a range of appropriate mathematical formats;
present information clearly;
present information accurately and appropriately including the use of mathematical language, symbols and diagrams;
use a range of suitable ways to present findings, following accepted conventions;
select and use the most appropriate methods to present findings, following accepted conventions;

identify and collect information

read, interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats

explain their findings;
compare methods of presentation;

use mathematical understanding and language to ask and answer questions, talk about and discuss ideas and explain ways of working

experience a range of mathematical language;
respond to some basic mathematical language;
recognise and engage with some basic mathematical language;
recall and participate in activities involving simple mathematical language;
begin to understand appropriate mathematical language;
respond to mathematical language.
use early mathematical language modelled by the teacher and show understanding.
use appropriate mathematical language to respond to questions about their work;
use appropriate mathematical language to talk about their work and respond to questions;
use appropriate mathematical language to discuss and describe their way of working and respond to questions;
use appropriate mathematical language to discuss their work and explain their thinking;
use appropriate mathematical language to express and communicate ideas accurately;
use appropriate mathematical language/notation to communicate and explain their work for a wider audience;
use appropriate mathematical language/notation to explain and justify their findings or solutions;